Dog kennel training

how to kennel train a dog:

First, bait the kennel with a very naughty cat.

Next, allow the pet dog to smell the bait …


If you are going to use a kennel in any way with your dog, consistent kennel training is important. a lot of dogs have at least some anxiety when kenneled.

This was the case recently when my mutt Ace spent the night at a relative’s house who reported that Ace cried, paced and yipped until 2 a.m.

What could possibly cause my “kennel-trained” pet dog to be so anxious?

Did my pet dog miss me? يمكن.

But a lot more likely, it’s even simpler:

1. Ace’s routine was off.

2. Ace hadn’t had enough exercise.

I typically expect too much out of Ace and take his usually calm behavior for granted. I forget that even a good pet dog is still a dog.

It’s difficult, if not impossible to calm a pet dog down if he has not had enough exercise.

Ace is not deprived by any indicates – he goes biking with me a few days per week, and he goes along on runs. Still, I’d like to commit a lot more focused time to exercising my dog.

My goal is 4 miles per day. will that always be possible? No. but it’s a goal to shoot for.

A second goal is to reinforce kennel training.

When I say, “Kennel up,” Ace sprints to his kennel and dives in hoping for a treat. but there are times when he believes he doesn’t have to be kenneled.

During a recent trip to my parents’ house I kenneled Ace for about 10 minutes while their dogs were loose. Let’s just say my pet dog threw a temper tantrum – yipping and whining. When Ace is ecstatic and I kennel him, it does not go well.

Below are some pet dog kennel training ideas I plan to use with my mutt. These ideas are intended for dogs that are already “kennel trained” but may have issues being kenneled when they don’t want to be, like when guests check out or when staying in someone else’s house.

Dog kennel training tips

1. Kennel the pet dog randomly.

Dogs like routines, but it’s good to slowly stretch their limits. Kenneling the pet dog randomly for even 10 minutes at a time teaches the pet dog that you are the one who makes a decision when he will go in the kennel. try this while you are enjoying TV, while you are doing something “fun” like playing fetch or even ideal before heading out for a walk.

2. Kennel the pet dog in different rooms.

This is another way to slowly get the pet dog used to going in the kennel at any time and anywhere. Dogs are contextual, indicating they need to learn ideas in different contexts. just because the pet dog is kennel trained in the laundry room doesn’t indicate he is kennel trained in the basement or upstairs or at your mom’s house.

3. Kennel the pet dog when people visit.

Practice this one with good pals and family members who are also pet dog owners and understand what you are trying to show your dog. When people visit, a lot of dogs get very excited. This is the best time to practice putting the pet dog in the kennel.

I don’t believe dogs must be kenneled whenever people visit. Dogs must learn to greet people at the door appropriately. but kenneling the pet dog randomly for 10 minutes when pals are over will help your pet dog learn to be calm for those rare nights when you really do want to kennel him. maybe you want him kenneled during Thanksgiving dinner or during a party with your co-workers, for example.

4.  Kennel the pet dog when he is excited.

This is a hard one for Ace. If he is worked up over something like a ball or another dog, he will bark if I kennel him. This normally happens when we are checking out family members because there are other dogs around and Ace doesn’t want to be away from “the pack.”

I can set up scenarios at home to show Ace that once he is in the kennel he has to calm down no matter what. It’s easy to get my pet dog riled up. All it takes is a game of fetch or a game of chasing me around the couch. I will put him in his kennel once he is excited, wait for him to calm down and then let him back out to play some more.

5. right excessive barking or crying.

When a pet dog is first learning to stay in a kennel, it’s best to neglect any crying or barking. This teaches the pet dog that crying or barking will not result in any kind of attention. but when a kennel-trained pet dog like Ace barks in his kennel, I will right him. Ace understands that I disagree with this behavior.

I will neglect a little whining and maybe even a few yips, but if Ace’s barking escalates, I am ideal there to tell him “no.” I don’t yell, but I let him know I indicate it.

6. Make the pet dog sleep in the kennel.

Ace is used to sleeping on his pet dog bed at night, so it’s unfair to expect him to sleep in his kennel with no issues when we travel. guess what that means? One night a weeK أو نحو ذلك ، سوف ينام Ace في بيت الكلب.

7. بيت الكلب الكلب للحيوانات الأليفة عندما تختفي.

إذا كان لدى كلبك الأليف عادةً إمكانية الوصول إلى المنزل بأكمله عندما تختفي ، فلا حرج في تربيةه من وقت لآخر عندما تقوم بتشغيل المهمات. إنها نصيحة جيدة لكلب الحيوانات الأليفة التي غالباً ما يتم تربيتها عندما تختفي ، وهي ليست مشكلة كبيرة.

8. بيت الكلب الكلب للحيوانات الأليفة في منزل أحد الأصدقاء.

بمجرد أن يكون كلبك الأليف هادئًا في بيت الكلب تحت جميع السيناريوهات في المنزل ، يتحدىه أكثر من ذلك بكثير من خلال تربيةه في منزل Friend. على سبيل المثال ، إذا كنت ستتحقق من صديق لبضع ساعات ، امش كلبك الأليفة أولاً ، ثم أحضره وتربيةه لمدة نصف ساعة في منزل الصديق. أوصي هذا فقط إذا كان صديقك أيضًا شخصًا مجنونًا للحيوانات الأليفة.

9. العمل على مجالات المشكلات.

إذا لم يكن كلبك الأليف ينبح في بيت الكلب بأي شكل من الأشكال باستثناء وقت زيارة الكلاب الأخرى ، فهذا ما يجب أن تعمل عليه أكثر من غيره. قم بدعوة أصدقاءك مع كلابهم ، وأخبرهم بما تعمل عليه.

عندما يواجه كلبي الأليف مشكلة في شيء ما ، مثل النباح في بيت الكلب عندما يكون متحمسًا ، فمن السهل علي تجنب هذا الموقف وعدم العمل عليه. المشكلة هي ، عاجلاً أم آجلاً أن هذا الموقف سيظهر ولن يكون ACE ناجحًا لأنني لم أتناول المشكلة.

10. دائما مكافأة السلوك الجيد.

إذا كان كلب الحيوانات الأليفة هادئًا ، فدعه يخرج من بيت الكلب! عد إلى بعض الأساسيات مثل توفير الأشياء الجيدة الإضافية في بيت الكلب. إذا كانت بيت الكلب تمثل العلاجات والسلامة والاسترخاء (كما ينبغي دائمًا) ، فسوف يسعد كلبك الأليف في تدريب بيت الكلب ووقته الذي يقضيه في بيت الكلب.

تذكر أن هذه الأفكار مخصصة للكلاب التي تم تدريبها بالفعل. إذا لم يكن كلبك الأليف معتادًا على بيت الكلب ، فالتمسك بالأساسيات والروتين. يشار إلى الأفكار أعلاه لتحدي الكلاب التي تستخدم بالفعل في بيت الكلب.

هل تستخدم بيت الكلب؟ هل ينبح كلبك الأليف في بيت الكلب؟

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